When starting up this campaign, I had an idea of where I wanted to go.  After working for 3 ½ years in Commonwealth`s Attorney Alger`s office, I was able to learn much and see, first-hand, what it takes to make a good prosecutor.  I have always believed that you can only improve something once you know how it works.  I would not trust someone who has never prosecuted a case to know how to run such an office more efficiently.  While I do not plan on “reinventing the wheel,” I believe there are some steps that can be taken to improve the office, and with the citizenry, we can Build a Better Page.


As stated elsewhere on this website, the office of the Commonwealth`s Attorney is prohibited from giving legal advice.  But that doesn`t mean that we should not have a continuous narrative with the public.  As Commonwealth`s Attorney, I plan to provide a monthly article or communication with the people of Page, updating them on new laws, changes they should be aware of, or other updates of interest.  By the time some items of interest, such as new fraud schemes, vandalisms or thefts occur, the community is aware of it usually before law enforcement or the Commonwealth`s Attorney`s Office.  By maintaining a continuous dialogue, it would be my hope that we could work with the community to be more pro-active when problems arise.


One thing that I have been most proud of during my tenure as Assistant, is working with our brave Law Enforcement officers from the state, county, and local offices.  These men and women are some of the bravest and most dedicated people I have had the chance to work with.  The General Assembly continues to pass new laws, amend old ones, and pass legislation that forces not only our office, but law enforcement as a whole, to change rapidly.  My goal will be to institute quarterly training, and enhance the communication with all branches of law enforcement that this Office serves.  The charges that this Office can prosecute are only as good as the charges brought by our officers.  It is in our, and the communities best interest to make sure they are informed, trained and supported in their role.


One of the trickiest parts of this Office is arguing for a just punishment for those convicted or who are willing to accept responsibility for their actions.  The General Assembly has passed, and are constantly amending, Sentencing Guidelines to assist the Court in determining punishment.  While these recommended sentences may seem odd or even too lenient at times, it represents a supposed “average” punishment for similar crimes throughout the Commonwealth.  I will urge my office to argue above these guidelines when necessary, or below when it is merited.  Justice and punishment are not always a “one size fits all” approach.  

Moreover, this office, along with numerous other agencies and the Page County Sheriff`s Department, have engaged in a Drug Court over the last several months.  This program provides an intense treatment and supervision of individuals who are trapped in the grasp of narcotic and alcohol addiction.  While not new, this program is still in the infancy stages here in Page, but already there are positive stories to tell from the participants.  Looking into programs like these that offer an alternative to incarceration, while still pushing for individuals to rehabilitate and become functioning members of society, is in the best interests of everyone, and I will take full advantage of these programs when I feel they can best be used.


The Office of the Commonwealth`s Attorney is there to prosecute the laws as written.  It is my intent to do just that.  However, the Office also carries with it a responsibility to voice concerns to those that will listen, and who can take action.  I plan to be very vocal about such concerns to our legislative body individually and, by virtue of my communications with the community, hope to urge the citizenry to also reach out and contact their legislators.  You don`t like how a law is written, then we, collectively, need to be reaching out to Richmond to let our General Assembly members know that changes need to be made.  Action flows from action, and it is my goal to not only have this Office become more involved in the creation of the laws we enforce, but to empower our citizens to argue for the changes they desire as well.